It Is Possible to Get Pregnant on the Rag

Thanks to the Bush Administration, millions of Americans have attended classes where they learned that sex is wrong, their bodies are sinful and everybody waits till marriage before getting it on. Since at least two of those three are outright lies (hey, we’re not here to judge the sinfulness of your body) many kids might be ready to dismiss the entirety of their questionable sex ed experience. Unfortunately some of it might have a ring of truth, even the parts that don’t seem to make a whole lot of sense.

A woman’s period typically signals the end of her monthly cycle (or beginning, it’s all the same when it comes to cycles). This should be the longest point away from ovulation. Therefore, it would make sense that, if you’ve got a strong stomach, you could earn your red wings with no risk of baby spawning.

Thanks to the Bush Administration, millions of Americans have attended classes where they learned that sex is wrong, their bodies are sinful and everybody waits till marriage before getting it on. Since at least two of those three are outright lies (hey, we’re not here to judge the sinfulness of your body) many kids might be ready to dismiss the entirety of their questionable sex ed experience. Unfortunately some of it might have a ring of truth, even the parts that don’t seem to make a whole lot of sense.

A woman’s period typically signals the end of her monthly cycle (or beginning, it’s all the same when it comes to cycles). This should be the longest point away from ovulation. Therefore, it would make sense that, if you’ve got a strong stomach, you could earn your red wings with no risk of baby spawning.

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