गर्मियों में कैसे रखे डोग्गी की सेहत का ध्यान...

पालतू जानवरों के शरीर का सामान्य तापमान ज्यादा होता है और उनके शरीर पर प्रकृति ने फार वाला कोट बना दिया है,सो अलग|इसलिए जानवरों के लिए गर्मियों का समय काफी तकलीफदेह होता है|गर्मियों का मौसम आपके कुत्ते के लिए मुश्किलों से भरा होने के बावजूद आप पालतू कुत्ते को सेहतमंद और आनंदमय गर्मियों की सौगात दे सकते हैं|

इसके कुछ उपाय इस प्रकार  हैं|जो आपके कुत्ते को ठंडक महसूस करवाने में लाभकारी हैं|

  1. कुत्ते जब गर्मी में हांफने लगें,तो शरीर का तापमान कम करने की कोशिश में ज्यादा उर्जा व्यय कर  सकते हैं|इसलिए तापमान बदने के साथ उर्जा की आवश्यकता भी बढ़ जाती है|ध्यान रखना चाहिए की गर्मियों में पालतू ज्यादा आहार लें|यदि  उनका खाना कम हो गया है,तो इसकी भरपाई ज्यादा शक्ति वाले पोष्टिक और संतुलित खाद पदार्थ से की जानी चाहिए|
  2. कुत्ते को टहलाने के लिए जल्दी सुबह और ठंडक भरी शाम का ही वक्त चुनें|
  3. यदि आप घंटे भर से ज्यादा समय के लिए बाहर जा रहे हैं,तो कुत्ते को घर में ही रखिये|संभव हो तो उस कमरे में रखें जहां पंक्हस चल रहा हो|
  4. पालतू को भरपूर ताज़ा व साफ़ पानी दें,ताकि उसे डहाईडरेशन न हो|
  5. कुत्तों को पसीना नहीं आता|गर्मी से बचने के लिए वे सिर्फ जीभ निकलकर सांस लेते हैं|या फिर शीतलता पाने के लिए ठंडी जगह देखते हैं|गर्मियों के दिनों में पालतू कुत्ते को एक घंटे से ज्यादा धुप  में न रहने दें||
  6. पालतू को खाना दिन के ऐसे समय में दें,जब ठंडक हो|
  7. यदि आपके पास ज्यादा फार वाली नसल का कुत्ता है तो,गर्मियों के समय उसके फर को थोडा काटकर छोटा कर दें|इस से उसे ठंडक मिलेगी|
  8. कुत्ते के सोने की जगह को ठंडा रखने के लिए गद्देदार बिछावन हटा दें|खुली सतह पर लेटने से उसे ज्यादा आराम महसूस होगा|
  9. गर्मी में बेहाल कुत्ते भी मनुष्य की तरह चिडचिडे हो सकते हैं|इसलिए बच्चों को पालतू के साथ पेश आने के लिए सावधानियां  बता दें | 
  10. आमतोर पर कुत्ते पानी से दूरी बनाकर रखतें हैं|नहाने के नाम पर वे भाग जाते हैं|लेकिन गर्मियों में आप कुछ ऐसे तरीके अपना सकते हैं|जैसे उसके ऊपर थोडा ठंडा पानी छिडक कर  देखिये|

How To Stay Young and Healthy...

Staying healthy and fit is a really challenging job that everyone facesIt is one of the keys to staying rich, happy, and fulfilled.The following are some techniques for remaining young, trim, and healthy:
Set the right objectives and maintain the right attitude.A very important secret to keeping yourself young and healthy is by establishing practical goals and being true to them.You must have dedication and self-discipline to attain a fit body.Patience also helps. Realizing that outcomes might show up after months and weeks of applying healthy routines is part of it.

Stay young and healthy by having healthy diet

Diet has an essential role in making you feel good and keeping your body fit. Below are some healthy drinking and Diet has an essential role in making you feel good and keeping your body fit. Below are some healthy drinking and eating patterns you can consider:

* Drink around 8 glasses of water each day. This doesn’t contain fruit juices and also other liquids. You need to consume pure water to keep the body hydrated and keep your entire body systems in great working condition. Drinking water also keeps the skin healthy and glowing with a younger look.

* Don’t skip breakfast every day. If you think skipping breakfast will let you lose weight, you’re mistaken. Research shows that without breakfast, individuals often consume more calories throughout the day. Missing breakfast every day also causes increased bad cholesterol levels and artery blocking, that may lead to heart ailments and various disorders. It also decreases levels of insulin, which regulates sugar in the body.

* Add a piece of meat and more fruit and veggies for lunch and dinner. A veggie salad with pieces of chicken and some essential olive oil or vinaigrette dressing is really healthy for a meal. Avoid mayo-based dressings since they’re rich in fats.

* Watch your snack foods. Although you have to be watchful of the food you eat on your 3 full meals, you also have to watch your snacks. Wholesome snack foods in portion-controlled servings, like a piece of apple, a few slice veggies, or a little muffin, are ideal for you.

* Take dietary supplements with your physician’s consent to keep you young, trim, and healthy. There are many health supplements in several forms, such as powdered drinks, tablet dietary supplements including fish-oil to help burn calories quicker, as well as pills, such as anti-aging supplementSim to help keep you healthy and young.

Stay trim and feeling good with proper exercise

Along with proper diet, physical exercise is important to keep the body healthy and strong. At least 30 minutes of exercise 6 days a week is enough to burn calories and keep you healthier. You could visit the gym to workout or do jogging, biking, and brisk walking. Choose an exercise you wish to make your physical exercise more exciting yet effective.

Provide your body time to retrieve by having ample rest

Too much stress can cause your body systems to function inappropriately, leading to hastened aging and also diseases. To keep your self young and also healthy, you can rest both at home and at work by meditating, unwind at the beach or other panoramic and soothing spots, go for a therapeutic massage, and above all, have lots of time to sleep. Typically 6 to 8 hours of sleep enables your body to rest properly, repair, and get ready for another day.It may not be very easy to keep yourself young, trim, and healthy, but with the right attitude, the right habits, and determination, a happier and healthier you is never impossible to achieve.eating patterns you can consider:

कैसे बचें मसल्स पेन से...

शरीर की मांसपेशियों में कभी कभार दर्द होना स्वाभाविक है|लंम्बे समय तक यह स्थिति बनी रहने पर यह व्यक्ति के लिए पीड़ादायक साबित हो सकता है|ऐसी स्थिति में शारीरिक प्रणाली पर भी नकारात्मक प्रभाव पड़ता है|
मांसपेशियों में होने वाले दर्द की शिकायत से बचने के लिए प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को अपने स्तर पर सावधानियां बरतनी चाहिए|वहीं,दर्द होने की स्तिथि में नीचे दिए गए उपायों को अपनाया जा सकता है|
  • एक्सरसाइज से पहले और बाद में वार्म अप जरूर करें|
  • एक्सरसाइज से पहले व बाद में स्ट्रेचिंग करें|
  •  वर्कआउट सेशन के दौरान भरपूर पानी या फलों का रस पियें|
  • जिन लोगों  को एक ही पोजीशन में अधिक समय तक रहकर काम करना पड़ता है उन्हें रोजाना एक घंटे की स्ट्रेचिंग जरूर करनी चाहिए|
  •  शरीर के चोटिल हिस्से को थोड़ी देर के लिए ऊपर उठाएं,उदाहरण के लिए सपोर्ट के लिए तकिया रख लें|इससे चोटिल जगह पर फलूड(तरल पदार्थ)इकठठा नहीं हो पायेगा|क्यूंकि इसी कर्ण से दर्द और सूजन की शिकायत होती है|
  • पीड़ा से निजात पाने के लिए उचित आराम करें|बिना आराम किये यदि पीड़ित अपनी गतिविधियों को जारी रखता है,तो दर्द बदने और सूजन आने का खतरा बड जाता है|

How to Take Care of Your Nails...

Your nails may be small but they play an important role, serving to help protect your fingers and improve dexterity. They also may reveal clues to your general health. Women spend hours painting and decorating them. Beauty salons offer all kinds of services for them. But keeping your nails clean and healthy is a simple matter that doesn't cost much. Sometimes, all it takes is a little common sense. Take a close look at your nails. Are they strong and healthy looking? Or do you see ridges, dents or areas of unusual color or shape? Many less than desirable nail conditions can be avoided through proper care, but some actually indicate an illness that requires attention.

Common nail problems

  • Thin, pale concave nails occur due to iron deficiency.
  • Thick, discoloured misshapen nails occur due to fungal infections.
  • Pincer or ingrown toenails occur due to wearing narrow closed shoes or after a nail injury.
  • Stained, discoloured nails occur due to chronic nail-varnish use.
  • Ridged, discoloured nails occur due to constant wetting of the hands.

How can I prevent my nails from breaking?

  • Avoid getting your nails wet. Use rubber gloves when you have to wash dishes, the car, etc.
  • Get into the habit of using your left hand for things such as opening doors/drawers, flicking switches, anything where you might catch the nails on something.
  • Let your left thumbnail grow a little long so you can use it for prying instead of the right one.
  • Keep the nail edge very smooth with a file and ultra fine sand paper (around 600 grit). This will prevent little snags which can catch on things and maybe rip off the nail tip.
  • Apply two or three layers of clear nail polish. Put polish on the overhanging underside of the nail too.
  • Don't let the nails get too long. They can hamper your playing and they may break easier.
  • Also to protect your nails from breaking you can put on and under the nails scotch tape am practicing this when they are too short or usually before concerts to keep my nails intact. Works great.
  • To keep your nails attractive and avoid undesirable problems like fungal infections that can make your nails ugly and deformed, 

Here are Some More Tips To Consider:

  • Use your nails properly. Nails protect the ends of fingers and toes and help us pick up things. Don't abuse them by using them as a can opener, staple remover, screwdriver or scraper.
  • While watching tv, moisturize your hands AND nails with your favorite hand lotion. It's not only relaxing, it helps strengthen the nails.
  • Don't bite them. Some people have a nasty habit of biting their fingernails. This not only ruins their appearance but damages the nail bed and puts you at risk for infection. If you're hungry, head for the nearest deli and order your favorite meal. You'll be doing your nails a big favor.
  • Keep your nails clean. You may have the looks and the most expensive suit. But if your nails are dirty, you're no better than a monkey! Dirty nails turn people off and reflect your personality so make sure they always look their best. Trim them and clean under the nails regularly. Use a good pair of manicure scissors and an emery board to smoothen nail edges.
  • It is also a good idea to have some cotton swabs handy, in case you get nail polish on your skin.
  • Bulletproof" them. By this, I mean protect your nails from injury by wearing cotton-lined rubber gloves when washing dishes or when soaking them in water for a long time. This will protect your nails from the drying effects of soap, water, and other harsh chemicals that your nails come in contact with.
  • Moisturize them. Just like your skin, your nails need moisture too. Keep your nails in top shape by using a good lotion or moisturizer after washing your hands.
  • While some nails benefit from not using polish, mine seem to love the stuff. If they are polished, I seem to notice them more and devote a little more attention to them. They really seem to like that.

  • If you have weak nails that tend to split or break, keep your nails short and trim them after bathing. Use a nail hardener but avoid products containing toluene sulfonamide or formaldehyde that can cause redness or irritate the skin.
  • Moisturize your feet daily, especially in the summer. Best to use a cream specifically for feet, as the skin needs of the foot are different that the rest of your body. Don't get the moisturizer between your toes to avoid fungal infections.
  • Dietary changes that supposedly strengthen nails don't work. Unless you're deficient in protein - rare among people in the United States - adding protein to your diet won't strengthen your nails. Similarly, soaking your nails in gelatin won't help either.
  • It's easy to neglect your nails. But a little basic nail care can go a long way to keeping your nails in healthy condition.

How To Stay Healthy In Summer...

Summer is the time to enjoy being outside and feeling revitalized after the winter. Many people find that they feel healthier and more vibrant during this season. There are many things that will ensure that we enjoy good health and wellbeing all summer long.
The summer is a great season for getting in shape. Whether by playing a sport, doing an aerobic exercise routine, or just returning to that familiar running path -- this is the time for activity.
Dr. Holly Andersen, director of education and outreach at the Ronald O. Perelman Heart Institute at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center, says, "Exercise is the fountain of youth, and summer is the perfect time to re-connect with your body."

However, exercising during the warmest season of the year can lead to dehydration, profuse sweating, exhaustion, and even a cardiac event

How to stay healthy in summer:

Increase the intake of fruits- 

The best thing to do would be to have more fruit. Opt for the ones that have more color such as peaches, berries and melons. These fruits are rich in carotenoids, agents that are known to guard the skin against the damaging effects of the sun, improve immune functions and in some cases may also improve fertility of the person.

Switch on the light- 

In summer; learn to indulge your skin with extra light, even if it has to be artificial. But nothing beats the benefits one can have from being exposed to sunrays. Also, being in the dark can make you feel sluggish while being in the sun can make a person a lot more active.

Get a pedicure at the beach-

 The sand helps to exfoliate your feet in an extremely natural way. As a result of this, our feet get a natural exfoliations and work like an insta-pedicure. You save many and get a fabulous pedicure that leaves your feel soft and supple for the rest of the season.

Have some dark chocolates- 

Chocolates are known to help your body release serotonin, a happy hormone that bears a resemblance to endorphins. If summer does not cheer you up enough, dark chocolates will defiantly will.

Going barefoot – 

Try working out on the sand, barefoot. This is known to increase ones energy level and also helps people stabilize their body in a better way. Experts state that the workout is far more intense if done on a sand and people can expect better results.

Get a summery sweet facial-

 One of the most ‘in’ things during summer are fruits. They are excellent not only for eating but work well for the skin, when externally applied. Toss some mangoes, papaya and pineapple, add some honey and slap a generous amount on the face.

Here are another 5 fun ways to keep well in summer...

Raw Foods

Enjoy as many raw foods as possible. While cooked food tastes nice, especially on a cold winter’s day, vital nutrients are damaged and lost. Further, cooking adds chemicals that aren’t particularly natural to our bodies. Summer is the perfect time to introduce as many raw foods as possible in the diet.

Raw salad sand smoothies will keep you going in the summer. A greater variety of fruits and vegetables means more nourishment for your body and is better for your health. It also means that you won’t waste valuable sunshine time standing over your cooker, and you may find that you look more gorgeous than ever in your summer clothes.

Wild Foods

By now, most of us know that blueberries are great for health. But there are plenty of berries that grow wild all over the world which can give us many of those same nutrients and antioxidants.
There may also be wild plants to use in salads, such as dandelion. Nettles can be used in tea, and they can also be juiced. Find out what foods grow wild in your area, and make the most of these free foods that are highly nutritious

Sun Screen
Sunscreen is a tricky subject. On the one hand we know that overexposure to sun causes aging skin and even cancer, we also know that the best way to get vitamin D, which is essential for our health, is through the sun. Studies are also continuously showing that many mainstream brands of sunscreen contain chemicals that are no good for our wellbeing. Here are a few ways to deal with the sun:

* Make sure your sunscreen is organic.
* Cover up -- a hat will not only protect you from the sun, it can add style and flare to your outfit!
* Studies show that lycopeneis extremely beneficial in protecting us from the negative effects of the sun. Lycopene is a plant nutrient found primarily in tomatoes and tomato based products such as juice and puree, as well as watermelon, pink grapefruit, papaya, and red bell pepper.
* There are also some interesting studies to suggest that broccoli sprouts (which you can sprout yourself or buy at a health food shop), are beneficial for warding off harmful sun rays.

Drink Water

It is crucial to drink plenty of water all year long, and no time is it as refreshing and necessary as in the summer months. We are primarily made of water, and drinking plenty of plain agua will ensure that we feel well and vibrant during the hot months. Just watch a wilting plant in the sun come alive when it gets watered.


Summer is the time to get outside. If you have wanted to get in shape and get into some healthy exercising habits, there is no better time than now. Figure out what you enjoy doing, and do it 4-5 times a week.

Bicycling, skateboarding, running, or just walking regularly for 20 minutes can make us feel better and improve our health... not to mention how we look and feel with our winter jackets off.

Types of Men Women Hate

Girls are sensitive beings and a lot of them know what they want even if they're just teenagers or in their early twenties. Guys need to understand that if they're in it for the commitment, then it's going to take a hell lot more than just the occasional phone call or random date night. Girls are at an emotional phase in their lives once they comprehend the idea of a relationship, forming demands and expectations even before you two have completed seeing each other a little over a month.

So why is it that guys can't seem to catch on with the simple things that girls expect out of them? At least the ones who don't come off as overbearing or psychotic. If your girl is genuinely in a constant battle to win over a side of you that is the constant propagator when it comes to arguments, then it is time you sat down and looked into things girls hate about guys. Work on it, and she'll come around to not being so mad at you all the time.

Let's look first at some of the traits of the typical Bad Boy 

The typical Bad Boy:

is cocky, arrogant
always puts himself first
is inattentive to a woman's needs
does what he wants when he wants to do it, regardless of what anyone else thinks
acts like a loose cannon
struts his masculine sexuality
isn't even remotely a "nice" guy
treats women badly
often uses women for sex

There are types of men which gets into the nerve of the women. It is best not be such type of a man if you plan to be in the wish list of the girl. 

Types of Men Women Hate

Moody guys: Women hate men who are moody and a man who talks or behaves normal when he is in a good mood makes the woman hate him. If you are a moody guy then it is best to change your nature. Don't be reserved. Be open!

Inexpressive guys: Women hate this type of men who are not expressive and always tells “You say". Girls are talkative so they don't realize that the guy is not talking or expressing himself. To cater to the romantic needs of the girl, be expressive.

Flamboyant guys: Women hate to date guys who show-off. Be a natural guy if you want to please a woman and win her. Don't woe her with the things you have rather try to woe her with what you are!

Immature & careless guys: A woman always want to be controlled by the maturity level of her man. Immature, careless and irresponsible men are in the hate list or avoid list of women.

Over-possessive guys: Women hate this type of men. Men are possessive but sometimes the over-possessive nature of a man irritates the woman and make her get away from the relationship gradually. Give her freedom in the same way as you desire for yourself and trust her.

My priority guy: This type of men are in the hate list of women. It is because he has other priorities before his girlfriend such as friends, education and own self. It is best for such men to be single than hurting the feelings of women.

What Do Women Want?

Girls know what they want, even if it sounds ridiculous to you or too much to ask for (which let's face it, isn't much when it comes to the realistic stuff). Let's take a look at what they hate about guys...

#1 Girls hate it when a guy is not on time for a date, especially if it is an important event. If she is the kind who has a pet peeve for late comers, then it would be wise to apologize the first couple of instances and actually make an attempt to be on time for future plans.

#2 Girls hate the fact that you keep in touch with your ex-girlfriend/s because of the common fear that you may have a slip-up (let's face it, some guys just can't seem to tame their animal instincts or fend off an ex who makes a move). It isn't all about jealously, but a sense that something could go wrong. Meeting your ex alone is a strict no-no, where it would be wise to introduce your girl to your ex-partner so that this past someone is aware of how committed you are to your current girlfriend. Girls also hate it if you lie about being in touch with an ex; if she has nothing to worry about when it comes to you and your ex, then don't fuel unwanted suspicion by lying. Be honest, and things will work in your favor.

#3 Why don't you call when you say you will? Or disappear for hours on end? Or cancel when plans are already underway? Unless you have a genuinely great excuse in store, do not be so negligent and oblivious to such things that may be small, but are in fact quite important to a girl.

#4 Girls don't like it when guys put up a wall when it comes to problems they face, often wanting to be alone and keep her out of the loop. Involve her, engage her in your troubles and then request for solitude. It will give her a sense of importance that you confide in her when things take a tumultuous turn in your life, and will help her to understand your need for getting away.

#5 Showing a girl that you love her by doing little things to make her happy is what she wants more than anything. Buy her flowers on a random day, call her up and remind her of how much you love her or how you can't wait to see her again, drop by her place and offer to accompany her for class, or plan an entire day of alone time by being spontaneous; it doesn't always have to be an occasion that makes you want to do something special. Girls love the small intimate details of a relationship, so amp it up every time you get a chance to do so.

#6 Don't zone out during an argument or raise your voice. Anyone who knows how to tackle an argument will know that screaming and getting verbally abusive, never solved anything. Behave like two adults and discuss what went wrong and own up to your mistakes if any. If she's done something wrong, point it out in a way that is inoffensive and nonjudgmental. She will see your side eventually. If she's ill-tempered and irrational, give her time to cool off before settling the issue that started the fight.

#7 Girls hate it when a guy is over-critical and doesn't prove to be a support system when needed. Advise her on things that require your advice, gently laying it out on the table if she's rushing into a big decision.

Moles astrology...Lucky or Unlucky

The study of moles is called "Moleosophy". Like palmistry, tarot and numerology, Moleosophy or the study of moles is also a branch of astrologyMoleosophy helps to understand what the moles located in different parts of ones body mean. Usually moles are found by birth but it is observed that moles appear also during one’s life time and also disappear, change their size and color. This is an indication of change of fortune. A raised mole is called a wart. Moles on the right side of a male body and left of a female body is considered auspicious. Honey brown, emerald green, and red colored moles are considered more auspicious and benefic than black moles.
The Chinese believe moles can be lucky or unlucky depending on where they are located, what colour they are, and how large they appear in proportion to our body. A mole can be a tiny black speck on the feet signifying opportunities for travel, or it can be a dark red dot on the hand, often interpreted as indicating a particular skill or luck associated with one’s hands. Moles on our backs denote some kind of burden we have to carry, while moles at the front of our bodies are said to attract success luck. 
The interpretation of moles and birthmarks depends upon two factors, their actual physical appearance and the part of the person's body that they appear upon.

In astrology, each Zodiac sign dominates a particular part of the body as summarised below:

1. Aries : Head
2. Taurus : Face, Neck, Throat, Right Eye and Nose.
3. Gemini : Arms, Shoulders, Right Ear, Upper Ribs and Right Hand
4. Cancer : Chest, Breast, Stomach Elbow Jointsm and lungs.
5. Leo : Heart , Liver, Belly and Back
6. Virgo : Kidney, Abdomen and Anus.
7. Libra : Private parts Uterus and Lumbar Region.
8. Scorpio : Testicles, Groins and Scrotum.
9. Sagittarious : Thighs, Legs and Hips.
10. Capricorn : Knees, Nails and Knee Cap.
11. Aquarius : Legs, Ankle, Left Ear and Teeth.
12. Pisces : Feet, Left Eye and Toes. 

Effects of Moles, Marks, Signs etc. for Men and Women

Maharishi Parasara said. O Maitreya! Now I will describe to you the effects of moles, marks, spots and signs, found on the body of women and men.

A mole, spot, or figure, formed by hair on the left side of a woman and right side of a man is auspicious. If there is mole on the chest of a woman, she will be fortunate. A woman, who has a red mark, like a mole etc., on her right breast, begets many children and she is blessed with all kinds of enjoyments and comforts.

The woman, who has a red mark (mole) on her left breast, begets only one son.

The woman, who has a mole on her right breast, begets many daughters and sons.

There will be gain, or acquisition of a kingdom, if there, as is a red mole etc. on the forehead, or in the middle of (between) the eyebrows. The person will enjoy sweetish preparations, if there is such a mark on the cheeks.

The woman, who has a red mark (mole etc.) on her nose, becomes consort of a king. If the mark be blackish, the woman concerned becomes an adulteress, or widow. All the marks below the navel are auspicious for both men and women. If there be moles etc. on the ears, cheeks, or neck of a man, his first issue will be male and he will enjoy good fortune and happiness. The man, who has moles etc. in the thighs, suffers misery.

The woman, who has the sign of trident on her forehead, becomes a queen. Such a mark on the forehead of a man makes him a king.

A right-turned circular hair formation on heart, navel, hands, right part of the back and in the portion between sex organ and navel is auspicious. Left-turned formation is inauspicious.

Such a hair formation on the waist and private parts proves inauspicious. If such a formation be on the stomach, the woman concerned will become a widow. If it be in the center of the back she will become an adulteress. It will be inauspicious, if it be on the neck, forehead, or center of the head.

A man with indications of short life will get his longevity prolonged by marrying a woman with auspicious, or lucky marks/symbols.