Tips To Get Rid Of One Night Stand...

One-night stand is understood as a single sexual encounter between two people with no expectations from either side for any long term commitment. Having one-night stands is an individual decision and personal choice. While for some it might be morally wrong but for others it might be experimentation. However, if you are experimenting with random sex, certain precautions can work for your own good. Use condom as this can protect you from pregnancy and STDs. Do not use any other contraceptive methods as it may avert pregnancy but not sexual infections.

Useful Tips for Getting Over a One Night Stand

*Before you get rid of one night stands, be very nice and polite. A rude behavior after getting things done is very disrespecting for the partner. Even though you want to get rid of the night stand, a polite and respectful behavior will maintain your impression on the partner
*.Boost your own morale. This is the best way to deal with despair and pain. You could also contemplate writing down the feeling you cherish for your own self. This will make you feel wanted and important as well.
*Resort to stress relieving activities. They often make you feel extremely good about yourself. Whereas some would resort to rigorous physical exercise, others could practice their favourite hobby. You could play a musical instrument or just sing out loud. Basically, it should be an activity which provides you with a sense of pleasure.
*Talk directly and remind your partner that you are not giving any signal to hang on! Appreciate the partner by telling that you had fun last night and end up saying that you don't expect complications especially 'emotional one'. This way you don't get the burden of carrying a new unwanted relationship and smartly deal with night stands.
*Sometimes, the partner can ask you to hang out indirectly by saying that he/she wants to know you better and would like to meet again. To deal with such night stands, just give a close ended answer without letting a conversation start. Say that you want to leave now and just end up with your answer.This is the time when you would probably want to say a lot of things and express your feelings and emotions through them. Consider writing down all negative feelings instead. When you are done, simply burn up the paper you had written on. This will provide a feeling of flushing out your feelings or doing away with them permanently.
*Despite practicing all of the above, if getting over a one night stand still seems difficult, you should probably seek professional assistance. You could consider meeting psychotherapists or psychiatrists who can help you deal with the problem.
*If the gentle talking and explanation doesn't work, just leave the house! You can be a little rude if the partner has demands after one night stand!
*Take help of your friend. Call the friend home to make the partner leave. You can also ask the friend to call if you are not at your place.
*Make an excuse and leave to get over night stand.

How to Safe your Vehicles - Funny Photo Collection

!!....How to Safe your Vehicles - Funny Photos....!!

8 Reasons for Condom Failure

On an average two to three percent of condoms fail during use. There are many possible reasons for condom failure but majority of them are contributed to human error. Read on for details

  • One of the main reasons for condom failure is improper usage of condom. Incorrect usage of condom include- not leaving half inch space at tip of condom, not unrolling condom till end of penis and not holding the rim of condom while pulling it off after use. Therefore it is important to follow instructions jotted on the cover of condom packing.
  • Another possible reason for condom failure is not using it on time. For extra don’t wait for penetration, instead use condom just before the penis comes into contact with partner’s genitals. Make sure that you use condom every time you have sex.
  • If condom breaks even after proper usage then it has to do with manufacturing defect. While buying condom you must make sure that it has past manufacturing regulations and tests to check the quality of final product.
  • Condom manufacturers to carry out water leakage tests, which determine if there are holes in the condoms, and air-burst tests, which link a condom's air-burst volume to its resistance to breakage during sexual activity. According to the U.S Food and Drug Administration, for assured quality, condom must undergo certain quality tests. Water leakage test and air burst test to check its resistance to breakage.
  • A common reason for condom failure is improper size of condom. If condom is large for your penis then it may slip during sex and if it is small then it is more likely to break.
  • Another possible cause of condom failure in use of improper lubricant. If you are using latex condoms then oil based lubricants such as vegetable oils, vaseline and baby oils can weaken the rubber.
  • Don’t store latex condoms in hot places, heat can damage them.
  • Make sure to check the expiry date of condom you are about to use. Post expiration date condoms lose their elasticity. As a result, they can break.


"Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore"
Andre Gide
"Stay committed to your decisions,but stay flexible in your approach."
Tom Robbins.
"Don't tell God how big your storm is;tell your storm how big your God is."
"Do not spoil; what you have by desiring what you have not,remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for."
"I can't change the direction of the wind,but i can adjust my sails to always reach my destination."
Jimmy Dean
"Dreams are like may never touch them,but if you follow them,they will lead you to your destiny."
"Discipline is the refining fire by which talent becomes ability."
Roy L Smith
"Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect.It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections."
"You can't punish yourself into change.You can't whip yourself into shape.But You can love Yourself into well-Being."
Susan Skye
"A smile is a light in the window of the soul,indicating that the heart is at home."

mess up with a woman, I bet you'll never think of !!!

woman and a man are involved in a car accident on a snowy, cold
Monday morning; it's a bad one. Both of their cars are totally
demolished, but amazingly neither of them is hurt. God works in
mysterious ways.

After they crawl out of their cars, the man is yelling about women drivers.

The woman says, 'So, you're a man. That's interesting. I'm a woman.
Wow, just look at our cars! There's nothing left, but we're unhurt.

This must be a sign from God that we should be friends and live in
peace for the rest of our days.'

Flattered, the man replies, 'Oh yes, I agree completely, this must be
a sign from God! But you're still at fault...women shouldn't be
allowed to drive.'

The woman continues, 'And look at this, here's another miracle. My car
is completely demolished but this bottle of wine didn't break. Surely
God wants us to drink this wine and celebrate our good fortune.' She
hands the bottle to the man.

The man nods his head in agreement, opens it and drinks half the
bottle and then hands it back to the woman.

The woman takes the bottle, puts the cap back on and hands it back to the man.

The man asks, 'Aren't you having any?'

The woman replies, 'No.. I think I'll just wait for the police...'

During Pregnancy Benefits Of Coconut...

In our country, coconuts have always been associated with health and prosperity and are present in some form or the other on many auspicious occasions. Young coconuts which have green shells (as opposed to the brown mature coconuts) are the ones with the most water content; this water is called coconut water or coconut juice.
Tender coconut water (elaneer / nariyal pani) is one of the richest sources of electrolytes. It is high in chlorides, potassium, and magnesium and has a moderate amount of sugar, sodium and protein. Potassium helps regulate blood pressure and heart function. Coconut water is also a good source of dietary fibre, manganese, calcium, riboflavin and Vitamin C.
It is essentially fat free and has zero cholesterol.Coconut water is a natural diuretic and so increases the flow of urine; this helps prevent urinary tract infections (UTI) as well as reduces the incidence of kidney stones. Coconut water also helps relieve constipation, improves intestinal function and promotes digestive health -– it is often recommended to people suffering from acidity and ulcers.
Besides, coconut water is naturally sterile. Coconut is especially good for pregnant women because of its ability to help maintain the health of the mother and the baby. Here are some of the benefits of having coconut/coconut water during pregnancy:
  • It helps in digestion which is another common problem during pregnancy. It boosts sluggish digestion.
  • It contains lauric acid which is known, for its antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties. It helps our body to fight against various infections and boost immune system mother and the growing fetus.
  • Coconut water is fat free and has zero cholesterol beverages. It also increases the level of the HDL cholesterol or the good cholesterol that is present in the body.
  • Coconut water can help keep the cholesterol levels under control during pregnancy.Coconut helps in the prevention and treatment of heartburn.
  • It helps in the cleaning of intestinal worms as well as the digestive tract. Consuming coconut can help pregnant woman in keeping away from constipation and heartburn.It re-hydrates the body and prevent from exhaustion.
  • It replenishes the water and minerals demand of bodyConsidering that coconut water is light, it helps in weight loss. A cup of coconut water contains only 46 calories because most of it, approximately 95%, is water.
  • A lot of women suffer from urinary tract infection during pregnancy, which can be prevented by consuming coconut water, which is a natural diuretic.
  • Drinking coconut water can help increase the frequency and flow of urine.
Coconut water in general has many health benefits, and is a great source to be replenish the body's electrolytic value, which is why it is recommended for the old and sick. However, apart from using coconut water as a cure for dehydration and problems like heartburn and low immunity, it can be used to prevent many health problems. Coconut water during pregnancy can be used to prevent all the health problems which occur during pregnancy like UTI and heartburn, and also replenish the body electrolytic level and boost immunity which will help to keep the baby and the mother healthy.

So, pregnant women should drink coconut water on a daily basis to gain all the above mentioned health benefits. Coconut water during pregnancy is also recommended to be mixed with sugar, saffron or turmeric. The white flesh of coconut can also be consumed, and is considered healthy for the mother and fetus as well.

    Top Golden Rules Of Parenting

    Parenting is such a complicated job, that there are no real guidelines for it! You have to go by instinct and do the best thing that you can for your child. However, there could be a few basic ground rules that you could lay down for yourself as a parent. Though most of these rules are different for different parents, we compiled a list from our interaction with different parents over the years!

    1.Be a Role Model:

    Your child is watching you and and is basing his or her behaviour on what he or she observes you doing.Behave the way you would like them to behave as adults.Setting a positive role model is the best gift you could give your child.

    2.Make Your child Independent:

    Don't micromanage your child's life.Keep setting limits of things the child can do on his own,and keep extending the boundaries as the child's confidence grows.Being independent helps the child be confident and gain a sense of control about his or her life.

    3.Respect your Child as an Individual

    This is something that most parents have trouble coming to terms with. But parents must treat their child as an individual. Of course he needs discipline and guidance and the occasional spanking, but make sure you remember this rule throughout! Respect his opinion and it will go a long way in strengthening the bond between you and your child. Treating your child as an individual also improves communication between you and him.

    4.Evolve with Your Child

    Ever heard the saying, "Keeping up with the Joneses"? Though it is mostly used in the materialistic sense, there is a lot that you could learn from the world around you. Though you may have found your parents' style of bringing you up perfect, it may not be as effective with your child. So change with the times, and stay tuned to modern day parenting all the time. Children are constantly evolving, and it is vital that you change with the times where necessary!

    5.Make Him a Good Human Being

    Now this may not appear to be very important, but teaching your child to be a good human being may be more vital than anything else. The lack of values among today's youth is a direct consequence of parent's not adequately instilling ethics and civic sense among their wards. Therefore, teach him all about being a good human being and why it is important.

    6.Avoid Physical Discipline.

    Children who are spanked,hit or slapped are more likely to be aggressive,difficult to control or fight with other kids.

    7.Show your child that you love them

    You can never give your child enough love.wheather it is hugging,cudding or kissing your child or simply telling your child that you love him or her,it does wonders to boost a child's sel-esteem to feel loved and wanted.Love a child unconditionally makes a child grow up secure and assured.

    8.Both Parents Need to be Involved

    Today it has become vital that both parents be an integral part of a child's formative years. The father should be as important to the child as the mother. Mixing parental roles and equally distributing parenting tasks is way more effective than the traditional father-mother roles. It also plays a role in improving your parenting skills!

    9.Explain Your Decisions

    Telling your child something is allowed or disallowed gives the child a perspective from your point of view which he or she might not have.A child does not have the life experience that you have and cannot understand why you have set down certain rules and norms.

    10.Be the Adult

    set the rules,the boundaries and don't let the child get away with anything he or she shouldn't.You need to know what your child is doing and who your child is with at any point of the day or night.

    Secterts To Spice Up Your Sex Life...

    Long-term relationships can often mean skimping on sex. The solution to that is simple: Upgrade your sex life by following these tips.

    1.Get Active,get fit
    A healthy Body is a sexy body.Research has proved that regular exercise can improve your mood,immune and cardiovascular systems and help you lose weight,making you feel better and more confident about yourself.exercise also helps increase the level of testosterone,the primary hormone which drives the libido in both men and women

    2.Be Deliberate

    It is easy to push sex to the backburner,when the demands on everyday living are punishing.stop thinking of it as a chore that can be bypassed because you are too tired at the end of the day or have no time.It is important to factor in sex on your
    to-do-list.Give it top priority.

    3.Get Textual
    Send a kinky text or email to your man while he's at work, telling him what you plan to do to him that evening.

    4.Enjoy An Aphrodisiac
    Hot and spicy foods that are said to make you sweaty and excitable,so make of it!chilli releases Endorphins,stimulates nerve endings and increases your heart rate.

    5.Be Open To Experimenting
    Try out new things,Watch your body as you do that,listen to its sensations.Follow its desires.Surprise your partner with fresh moves.If your partner suggests something crazy,do not reject it outright.

    6.Smell Good
    Body Odour is a major turn off.So is bad breath.Ensure that both of you have a bath before the act,In fact,taking a shower together can be a dun part of your Foreplay.Avoid eating pungent food containing onions and garlic and other such food that leaves your mouth smelling foul.

    7.New Locations,New Positions
    People often have a very 2-dimensional outlook on the nature of sex and how one should go about having it. The vast, vast majority of people, for example, only have sex in the bedroom. And even they have a set routine, lights dimmed or off, the same progression through the various stages of sex: a little foreplay, intercourse in missionary and maybe doggy if the guy’s lucky and the girls feeling up to it, then it’s pretty much over. Even if your personal situation has more life than that, sex in the bedroom can still become a drag after a while. So, switch it up. Think about different locations you can use: the living room, bathroom, kitchen…consider all possibilities, even if they at first seem far-fetched and silly. Also, think about locations away from the home once in a while. Motels and cheap hotels offer a couple a fresh place to explore each other. Secondly, improvise and experiment with the positions you use.

    8.Feel The Big O
    A woman sexual satisfaction boils down to that 'moment of exquisite pleasure 'when she has an orgasm.Although the entire journey to reaching orgasm can be very gratifying,the ultimate moment of bliss has always been that climatic moment.

    Communicate Fantasies
    Something few men and women do is talk to their partners about what turns them on, about things they’d like to try, scenarios they’d love to act out, etc. etc. Make telling your partner about things that turn you on a regular thing and, in return, you listen to their previously private fantasies and day-dreams. If doing it face-to-face is too embarrassing, consider sending saucy messages via email or text message. You’ll find that after reading about what really gets your partner going, you’ll be much more excited and motivated to please them sexually, and they’ll feel the same way back

    .Consult Your Doctor
    Finally,if there's any doubt lurking in your mind,never hesitate to consult your gynaecologist or sex therapist.Discuss things that bother you and he might help you break the ice between you and your partner,in case there is any.

    Use these 10spicy Secrets and zing to your pleasure.

    Healthy Living Essentials For The New Age Woman...

    Being a woman,you have special nutritional have to look your best,sail through puberty,marriage,pregnancy and menopause.A healthy diet can make you look and feel good.A balanced diet generally is composed of proteins,fats,carbohydrates,minerals,vitamins,fibres and enough water.
    Here are some important essentials:
    • Include foods such as whole grain bread,chapati,brown rice,wheat bran,barely etc.
    • include pulses and legumes,which are rich in proteins.Paneer,tofu and soy milk are rich in phytonutrients and are heart healthy.
    • Folate is important for women especially during pregnancy.It helps in iron absorption.You can get folate from oranges,beans,asparagus.
    • go green.include green and colourful veggies to freeze that youthful leafy vegetables such as spinach,brocoli,fenugreek leaves,cabbage etc.are full of iron.
    • Fruits are filled with fibre and anti-oxidents that get rid of tha free radicals responsible for ageing.
    • Nuts contain monosaturated fats,which help lower cholestrol and polynsaturated fats,which prevent heart disease.Nuts are rich in protein,calcium,phosphorus,zinc,copper,selenium,folate and vitamins A and E.
    • Calcium helps in bone health and prevents you from developing osteoporosis.Consume low fat dairy products,dark green leafy vegetables,soy products,grains and fortified calcium products.
    • Water is not food:yet it is an important nutrient,which your body needs.It helps rejuvenate your skin and aids digestion.Drink around Eight glasses of water every day.
    • quit smoking to avoid health hazards.
    • Adequate quality sleep is as crucial as a nutritious need about 6-8 hours of sleep every night.Your sleeping time needs to increase when you are pregnant.

    10 Tips for Safe Online Shopping

    Shopping online does carry some risk, but so does shopping at brick-and-mortar stores. At least online shoppers don't need to worry about fender-benders in the parking lot, pick pockets at the mall, or getting the flu from all those fellow shoppers.But the nice thing about shopping online is that by following some basic guidelines you can be reasonably sure you'll have a safe experience.

    1. Know your merchant

    Study the merchant, from whom you are purchasing. Search for bad reviews from multiple sites. Where possible, shop only from reputed merchants.

    2. Use Strong Passwords

    We like to beat this dead horse about making sure to utilize uncrackable passwords, but it's never more important than when banking and shopping online. Our tips for creating a unique password can come in handy during a time of year when shopping around probably means creating new accounts on all sorts of e-commerce sites.

    3. Read Policies

    • Privacy Policy - The policy should mention the information collected by the merchant, which and how information is going to be used and / or shared, various steps followed to maintain privacy of the shopper, etc
    • .Delivery and Return policies – These should provide information onreturning unsatisfactory items, refund policy, contact details, etc. which are useful in-case you receive wrong / unsatisfactory item.
    4. Don't Tell All

    No online shopping store needs your social security number or your birthday to do business. However, if crooks get them, combined with your credit card number for purchases, they can do a lot of damage. The more they know, the easier it is to steal your identity. When possible, default to giving up the least amount of information.

    5. Avoid Public Terminals

    Hopefully we don't have to tell you it's a bad idea to use a public computer to make purchases, but we still will. If you do, just remember to log out every time you use a public terminal, even if you were just checking email.What about using your own laptop to shop while you're out? It's one thing to hand over a credit card to get swiped at the checkout, but when you must enter the number and expiration date on a website while sitting in a public cafe, you're giving an over-the-shoulder snooper plenty of time to see the goods. At the very least, think like a gangster: Sit in the back, facing the door.

    6. Check offers, charges and details of the product

    Compare the quality and the price of selected products with products from other companies/ merchants. Having knowledge of the market rates of these items helpsin deciding what and where to buy from! 4. Secure Click Website - Ensure that the website is secure, i.e.the website should have ‘s’ in http. The payment website should be SSL site, where all the transactions are encrypted before they are sent to the merchant for further actions.Machine - should have various security updates to ensure that thieves cannot ‘break into’ your machine and get away with important information while you are shopping.

    7. Use Credit Card

    Credit card payments are generally more secure than debit cards. Also, most of the companies offer extended protection and warranties in case of thefts, using credit cards. If the intentional use of credit card by electronic thief can be proved, companies waiver off the charges completely. These warranties and securities are less for debit card transactions.

    8. Sharing details

    Only such information should be shared which are required at the time of financial transactions.Any other information like PAN Card number, etc., which is not essential for transactions, should not be shared. Internet passwords should be treated like ATM PINs.

    9. Record transactions

    This is one of the most important tip to be followed. Maintain hard copy recordsof all the purchases. The record should mention the date of purchase, time, quantity, price and the delivery date. This is helpful for further communication, in case the need arises. You should also maintain records of the URL of the merchant, confirmation email/message of purchase, etc.
    Know the real price: Be sure you understand the actual cost of the item, including shipping, handling, and sales tax. That can have an enormous impact on the final price. Many merchants are offering free shipping during the holidays and some merchants that have both online physical stores will let you pick up the item in the store for free. In most states if you do business with a merchant that has a physical presence in your state, the merchant is required to collect state sales taxes. Although it's tough to enforce, some states expect you to self-report all of your online purchases and pay sales taxes when you file your state income tax return.

    10. Use Familiar Websites

    Start at a trusted site rather than shopping with a search engine. Search results can be rigged to lead you astray, especially when you drift past the first few pages of links. If you know the site, chances are it's less likely to be a rip off. We all know and that it carries everything under the sun; likewise, just about every major retail outlet has an online store, from Target to Best Buy to Home Depot. Beware of misspellings or sites using a different top-level domain (.net instead of .com, for example)—those are the oldest tricks in the book. Yes, the sales on these sites might look enticing, but that's how they trick you into giving up your info.

    Causes Of Miscarriage...

    With pregnancy and subsequent child birth, it is a transition for a female from girlhood to womanhood. But for many women, this happiest experience of life ends on a sad note because of miscarriage. By gaining some knowledge about miscarriage causes, you can avoid such a situation and have a happy pregnancy.
    50 - 60 % of first trimester and 20% of second trimester miscarriages are due to chromosomal abnormalities within the fetus. The factors leading to this cause include chromosomally abnormal sperm or egg, abnormal cell division of the fetus, and chromosomal abnormalities of mother and / or father.Chromosomal abnormal sperm or egg will create a fetus that is genetically abnormal. Therefore, the woman's body will reject the fetus and be a cause of miscarriage. Majority of these miscarriages will occur early in the pregnancy and a lot of women will not even know that they were pregnant.Chromosomal abnormalities of the mother or father require special genetic testing and should be performed by a genetic counselor. The genetic counselor can evaluate the 23 pairs of chromosomes from both the mother and father and assess their risk for recurrent miscarriages. Most physicians require that a couple have at least two if not three miscarriages before referring them for genetic testing.

    Signs and Symptoms:

    Miscarriage is often accompanied by the following signs and symptoms:
    • Bleeding -- brown or bright red vaginal bleeding or spotting. Light bleeding early in pregnancy is fairly common, and does not mean you will have a miscarriage. But you should see your doctor.
    • Passage of tissue from the vagina or a gush of clear or pink vaginal fluid
    • Abdominal pain or cramping
    • Signs of pregnancy, such as breast sensitivity and morning sickness, may go away
    • Dizziness, lightheadedness, or feeling faint

    Common Causes of Miscarriage

    • Thyroid disease especially when it is hypothyroidism can be the cause of miscarriage. Therefore it is essential that the woman who is hypothyroid monitor their TSH, T4 and T3 levels regularly because the fetus does not have a fully functional thyroid and relies on the mother for its source
    • Diabetes if not followed closely and changes with medications are not made it also can be a cause of miscarriage. During pregnancy the demand of insulin will increase and will change from one stage of pregnancy to the next. This is because during pregnancy there are hormones released that aid in the growth of the fetus but these hormones block the effectiveness of insulin. Therefore, most diabetic women who become pregnant are followed by maternal fetal medicine physicians Any hormonal deficiency such as low progesterone results in loss of pregnancy within the first ten weeks of gestation. Women with thyroid problems are also prone to miscarriages. Fortunately, thyroid problem once diagnosed can be easily treated.Chromosome defects are one of the most common causes of miscarriage. Chromosomes are thread-like structures within the nucleus responsible for determining genetic characteristics. When the sperm and egg fertilise, if any of the chromosome is faulty, it results in miscarriage.
    • Many women suffer from vitamin and mineral deficiencies which in turn affect their chances of conception. If they are fortunate enough to conceive, it can sometimes result in miscarriage during the early months of pregnancy. It has been often noted that such women who become pregnant in their late thirties are at a higher risk of miscarriage.
    • Tobacco use, alcohol use, and illicit drugs especially cocaine and heroin have been found to be a cause of miscarriage.
    • Abnormalities of the uterus usually are a cause of miscarriage after the twelve week of gestation. Unfortunately this is also when they are usually diagnosed.

    How To Get Rid Of Split Ends Without Cutting Your Hair...

    Most women when faced with split ends reach for a pair of scissors. Trimming is not the answer to split ends. In most cases you will instead end up with rough edges and more split ends. While daily wear and tear will cause some hair to be damaged, split ends can become a recurring problem. Understand the nature of your split ends and look for a permanent solution.


    1.A dry scalp can be a major cause of split ends. Nourish your scalp with warm oil treatments. A trichologist may advise you to take supplements of vitamins A and D found aplenty in almond oil. Do however seek the doctor’s advice in case of excessive dryness and split ends.

    2.Avoid split endz in the first place. There are a large number of things that cause split ends. Brushing too hard, brushing hair that is wet, hair dryers, curling irons, straighteners, diet, dry air... The list seems almost never ending. Probably the best way to avoid split ends is to have hair trimmed every six weeks. Once an end is split, it will continue to grow worse. Six week trims help avoid this problem in the first place.

    3 Use the Split Ender. This innovative product promises to actually remove those ends that are split. This can be a great technique to use in between trims and to begin repairing hair. Since the only way to really get rid of a split is by cutting, this is a nice solution without chopping off all your hair at one time. You can find out more by looking at the resources section below.

    4 Temporarily cure split ends by using products such as intensive conditioners, leave in conditioners and shine serum. There are many additional resources for split ends listed in the resources area.

    5.Prolonged use of hair irons, curler rods, crimpers, blow-dryers and even exposure to sun during summer can cause irreparable damage to your hair. Avoid split ends by wearing a cotton scarf outdoors and reducing reliance on grooming tools that require heat.

    Do check the salt content in your water supply. Sometimes the cause of our problem is so ubiquitous it ironically escapes our notice. Hard water can be a major culprit in causing split ends. If daily use is unavoidable ask your trichologist for protective products you can employ.


    Split ends may result from lack of proper nutrition. A healthy body always means healthy hair. If you’re not getting enough protein and vitamins your hair may turn brittle.

    Guidelines for Pregnancy

    Every Woman experiences some physiological body changes during pregnancy.While some of these are common.others are the consequences of changes happening in the body.These changes are related to the hormonal changes,increase in uterine size,weight,etc.

    Points to Consider :
    1. Follow an iron and protein-rich diet.
    2. Take adequate rest;at least two hour during daytime and eight hours at night.
    3. Go for light routine exercises like line walking.
    4. Avoid jerky movements and exerting yourself at work.
    5. Have adequate fluid intake.
    6. Check for frequent voiding of urine and maintain anal hygiene.
    7. Go for antenatal check ups regularly.
    8. Be regular with your blood and ultra-sonography tests.
    9. Check the amount of fluid around the baby through sonography.
    10. Keep an eye on your weight gain.
    11. Avoid exposure to smoking/alcohal.
    12. Avoid exposure to any radiation or chemical.
    13. Mental relaxation and alleviation of anxiety and stress are a must.

    Steps to Stunning Hair...

    Not everybody is blessed with beautiful hair.You need to take care to get shimmering and smooth hair.
    Steps to stunning Hair:
    • Oil your hair at least once a Fortnight.for best results,mix olive and coconut oil,make it warm and apply it on the scalp to the tip of your hair.
    • You need to choose a shampoo and conditioner according to your hair type.Don't take chances with your hair and keep your hair free from dirt and dandruff.
    • shampoo your hair properly and rinse it twice.Use the conditioner only on the hair strands and avoid the scalp.
    • Take protein-rich diet,the secret to healthy hair.Eat a lot of fruits and include dairy products in your diet,too.
    • Understand your hair type and know what needs to be treated.Seek advice from professionals.Don't ignore your beauty, and so,always preserve your hair.