Top Golden Rules Of Parenting

Parenting is such a complicated job, that there are no real guidelines for it! You have to go by instinct and do the best thing that you can for your child. However, there could be a few basic ground rules that you could lay down for yourself as a parent. Though most of these rules are different for different parents, we compiled a list from our interaction with different parents over the years!

1.Be a Role Model:

Your child is watching you and and is basing his or her behaviour on what he or she observes you doing.Behave the way you would like them to behave as adults.Setting a positive role model is the best gift you could give your child.

2.Make Your child Independent:

Don't micromanage your child's life.Keep setting limits of things the child can do on his own,and keep extending the boundaries as the child's confidence grows.Being independent helps the child be confident and gain a sense of control about his or her life.

3.Respect your Child as an Individual

This is something that most parents have trouble coming to terms with. But parents must treat their child as an individual. Of course he needs discipline and guidance and the occasional spanking, but make sure you remember this rule throughout! Respect his opinion and it will go a long way in strengthening the bond between you and your child. Treating your child as an individual also improves communication between you and him.

4.Evolve with Your Child

Ever heard the saying, "Keeping up with the Joneses"? Though it is mostly used in the materialistic sense, there is a lot that you could learn from the world around you. Though you may have found your parents' style of bringing you up perfect, it may not be as effective with your child. So change with the times, and stay tuned to modern day parenting all the time. Children are constantly evolving, and it is vital that you change with the times where necessary!

5.Make Him a Good Human Being

Now this may not appear to be very important, but teaching your child to be a good human being may be more vital than anything else. The lack of values among today's youth is a direct consequence of parent's not adequately instilling ethics and civic sense among their wards. Therefore, teach him all about being a good human being and why it is important.

6.Avoid Physical Discipline.

Children who are spanked,hit or slapped are more likely to be aggressive,difficult to control or fight with other kids.

7.Show your child that you love them

You can never give your child enough love.wheather it is hugging,cudding or kissing your child or simply telling your child that you love him or her,it does wonders to boost a child's sel-esteem to feel loved and wanted.Love a child unconditionally makes a child grow up secure and assured.

8.Both Parents Need to be Involved

Today it has become vital that both parents be an integral part of a child's formative years. The father should be as important to the child as the mother. Mixing parental roles and equally distributing parenting tasks is way more effective than the traditional father-mother roles. It also plays a role in improving your parenting skills!

9.Explain Your Decisions

Telling your child something is allowed or disallowed gives the child a perspective from your point of view which he or she might not have.A child does not have the life experience that you have and cannot understand why you have set down certain rules and norms.

10.Be the Adult

set the rules,the boundaries and don't let the child get away with anything he or she shouldn't.You need to know what your child is doing and who your child is with at any point of the day or night.

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