Causes Of Miscarriage...

With pregnancy and subsequent child birth, it is a transition for a female from girlhood to womanhood. But for many women, this happiest experience of life ends on a sad note because of miscarriage. By gaining some knowledge about miscarriage causes, you can avoid such a situation and have a happy pregnancy.
50 - 60 % of first trimester and 20% of second trimester miscarriages are due to chromosomal abnormalities within the fetus. The factors leading to this cause include chromosomally abnormal sperm or egg, abnormal cell division of the fetus, and chromosomal abnormalities of mother and / or father.Chromosomal abnormal sperm or egg will create a fetus that is genetically abnormal. Therefore, the woman's body will reject the fetus and be a cause of miscarriage. Majority of these miscarriages will occur early in the pregnancy and a lot of women will not even know that they were pregnant.Chromosomal abnormalities of the mother or father require special genetic testing and should be performed by a genetic counselor. The genetic counselor can evaluate the 23 pairs of chromosomes from both the mother and father and assess their risk for recurrent miscarriages. Most physicians require that a couple have at least two if not three miscarriages before referring them for genetic testing.

Signs and Symptoms:

Miscarriage is often accompanied by the following signs and symptoms:
  • Bleeding -- brown or bright red vaginal bleeding or spotting. Light bleeding early in pregnancy is fairly common, and does not mean you will have a miscarriage. But you should see your doctor.
  • Passage of tissue from the vagina or a gush of clear or pink vaginal fluid
  • Abdominal pain or cramping
  • Signs of pregnancy, such as breast sensitivity and morning sickness, may go away
  • Dizziness, lightheadedness, or feeling faint

Common Causes of Miscarriage

  • Thyroid disease especially when it is hypothyroidism can be the cause of miscarriage. Therefore it is essential that the woman who is hypothyroid monitor their TSH, T4 and T3 levels regularly because the fetus does not have a fully functional thyroid and relies on the mother for its source
  • Diabetes if not followed closely and changes with medications are not made it also can be a cause of miscarriage. During pregnancy the demand of insulin will increase and will change from one stage of pregnancy to the next. This is because during pregnancy there are hormones released that aid in the growth of the fetus but these hormones block the effectiveness of insulin. Therefore, most diabetic women who become pregnant are followed by maternal fetal medicine physicians Any hormonal deficiency such as low progesterone results in loss of pregnancy within the first ten weeks of gestation. Women with thyroid problems are also prone to miscarriages. Fortunately, thyroid problem once diagnosed can be easily treated.Chromosome defects are one of the most common causes of miscarriage. Chromosomes are thread-like structures within the nucleus responsible for determining genetic characteristics. When the sperm and egg fertilise, if any of the chromosome is faulty, it results in miscarriage.
  • Many women suffer from vitamin and mineral deficiencies which in turn affect their chances of conception. If they are fortunate enough to conceive, it can sometimes result in miscarriage during the early months of pregnancy. It has been often noted that such women who become pregnant in their late thirties are at a higher risk of miscarriage.
  • Tobacco use, alcohol use, and illicit drugs especially cocaine and heroin have been found to be a cause of miscarriage.
  • Abnormalities of the uterus usually are a cause of miscarriage after the twelve week of gestation. Unfortunately this is also when they are usually diagnosed.

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