How To Get Rid Of Split Ends Without Cutting Your Hair...

Most women when faced with split ends reach for a pair of scissors. Trimming is not the answer to split ends. In most cases you will instead end up with rough edges and more split ends. While daily wear and tear will cause some hair to be damaged, split ends can become a recurring problem. Understand the nature of your split ends and look for a permanent solution.


1.A dry scalp can be a major cause of split ends. Nourish your scalp with warm oil treatments. A trichologist may advise you to take supplements of vitamins A and D found aplenty in almond oil. Do however seek the doctor’s advice in case of excessive dryness and split ends.

2.Avoid split endz in the first place. There are a large number of things that cause split ends. Brushing too hard, brushing hair that is wet, hair dryers, curling irons, straighteners, diet, dry air... The list seems almost never ending. Probably the best way to avoid split ends is to have hair trimmed every six weeks. Once an end is split, it will continue to grow worse. Six week trims help avoid this problem in the first place.

3 Use the Split Ender. This innovative product promises to actually remove those ends that are split. This can be a great technique to use in between trims and to begin repairing hair. Since the only way to really get rid of a split is by cutting, this is a nice solution without chopping off all your hair at one time. You can find out more by looking at the resources section below.

4 Temporarily cure split ends by using products such as intensive conditioners, leave in conditioners and shine serum. There are many additional resources for split ends listed in the resources area.

5.Prolonged use of hair irons, curler rods, crimpers, blow-dryers and even exposure to sun during summer can cause irreparable damage to your hair. Avoid split ends by wearing a cotton scarf outdoors and reducing reliance on grooming tools that require heat.

Do check the salt content in your water supply. Sometimes the cause of our problem is so ubiquitous it ironically escapes our notice. Hard water can be a major culprit in causing split ends. If daily use is unavoidable ask your trichologist for protective products you can employ.


Split ends may result from lack of proper nutrition. A healthy body always means healthy hair. If you’re not getting enough protein and vitamins your hair may turn brittle.

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