During Pregnancy Benefits Of Coconut...

In our country, coconuts have always been associated with health and prosperity and are present in some form or the other on many auspicious occasions. Young coconuts which have green shells (as opposed to the brown mature coconuts) are the ones with the most water content; this water is called coconut water or coconut juice.
Tender coconut water (elaneer / nariyal pani) is one of the richest sources of electrolytes. It is high in chlorides, potassium, and magnesium and has a moderate amount of sugar, sodium and protein. Potassium helps regulate blood pressure and heart function. Coconut water is also a good source of dietary fibre, manganese, calcium, riboflavin and Vitamin C.
It is essentially fat free and has zero cholesterol.Coconut water is a natural diuretic and so increases the flow of urine; this helps prevent urinary tract infections (UTI) as well as reduces the incidence of kidney stones. Coconut water also helps relieve constipation, improves intestinal function and promotes digestive health -– it is often recommended to people suffering from acidity and ulcers.
Besides, coconut water is naturally sterile. Coconut is especially good for pregnant women because of its ability to help maintain the health of the mother and the baby. Here are some of the benefits of having coconut/coconut water during pregnancy:
  • It helps in digestion which is another common problem during pregnancy. It boosts sluggish digestion.
  • It contains lauric acid which is known, for its antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties. It helps our body to fight against various infections and boost immune system mother and the growing fetus.
  • Coconut water is fat free and has zero cholesterol beverages. It also increases the level of the HDL cholesterol or the good cholesterol that is present in the body.
  • Coconut water can help keep the cholesterol levels under control during pregnancy.Coconut helps in the prevention and treatment of heartburn.
  • It helps in the cleaning of intestinal worms as well as the digestive tract. Consuming coconut can help pregnant woman in keeping away from constipation and heartburn.It re-hydrates the body and prevent from exhaustion.
  • It replenishes the water and minerals demand of bodyConsidering that coconut water is light, it helps in weight loss. A cup of coconut water contains only 46 calories because most of it, approximately 95%, is water.
  • A lot of women suffer from urinary tract infection during pregnancy, which can be prevented by consuming coconut water, which is a natural diuretic.
  • Drinking coconut water can help increase the frequency and flow of urine.
Coconut water in general has many health benefits, and is a great source to be replenish the body's electrolytic value, which is why it is recommended for the old and sick. However, apart from using coconut water as a cure for dehydration and problems like heartburn and low immunity, it can be used to prevent many health problems. Coconut water during pregnancy can be used to prevent all the health problems which occur during pregnancy like UTI and heartburn, and also replenish the body electrolytic level and boost immunity which will help to keep the baby and the mother healthy.

So, pregnant women should drink coconut water on a daily basis to gain all the above mentioned health benefits. Coconut water during pregnancy is also recommended to be mixed with sugar, saffron or turmeric. The white flesh of coconut can also be consumed, and is considered healthy for the mother and fetus as well.

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