Vaginal Problem...

Most women experience minor vaginal problems from time to time. These problems can be related to menstrual cycles, sex, infection, birth control methods, aging, medicines, or changes after pregnancy.A change in your normal vaginal discharge may be the first sign of a vaginal problem. Changes in urination, such as having to urinate more frequently or a burning feeling when you urinate, also may be a symptom of a vaginal problem.
Vaginal infections

The three most common types of vaginal infections are:
Candida vulvovaginitis (yeast infections).
Bacterial infections (bacterial vaginosis).
Parasitic infections (trichomoniasis).

Common symptoms of vaginal infection include:

  • Increase or change in the vaginal discharge, including gray, green, or yellow discharge.
  • Vaginal redness, swelling, itching, or pain.
  • Vaginal odor.
  • Burning with urinationOpens New Window.
  • Pain or bleeding with sex.Prevention
The following tips may help you prevent a vaginal infection.

  • If you think your frequent vaginal infections may be related to using a diaphragm, spermicidal foam or jelly, or condoms, discuss other birth control options with your doctor.
  • Wipe from front to back after using the toilet, to avoid spreading bacteria from the anus to the vagina.
  • Wash the vaginal area once a day with plain water or a mild, nonperfumed soap. Do not use bubble bath. Rinse well and dry thoroughly.
  • Change tampons at least 3 times a day during your period, or alternate tampons with pads. Remember to remove the last tampon used during your period.
  • Wear cotton underwear and avoid clothes that fit tightly, such as tight-fitting jeans. Cotton underwear and loose-fitting clothing help prevent the vaginal area from staying warm and moist, which can promote the growth of yeast cells. Tight-fitting clothes may cause skin irritation leading to a rash
  • .Remove wet bathing suits and exercise clothing promptly.
  • Avoid douching.
  • Avoid the use of feminine deodorant sprays and other perfumed products. They may cause genital skin irritation or an allergic reaction
  • Having multiple sex partners and not using condoms can increase your risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)Opens New Window, which may increase your risk of a vaginal infection.
  • Urinate after sex, and rinse your vaginal area with cool water.Limit intense exercise, such as bike riding or horseback riding, that can irritate the vulva.
  • If you have diabetesOpens New Window, keep your blood sugar in good control.
Take antibiotics when needed, but avoid unnecessary use of antibiotics. Taking antibiotics exposes you to the risks ofallergic reactionsOpens New Window and antibiotic side effects (such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and yeast infections). Also, antibiotics may kill good bacteria.

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