A flawless, even skin tone looks good. There are many factors which are responsible for dark skin tone. If you want to achieve a good skin tone without any side effect then try to go for a natural way 
Skin tone is not all about being fair – you can be as white as milk, but if you have dry, dull skin, you will not look particularly good. On the other hand, if your skin is clear and glowing, you will always look beautiful no matter how dark you are. A good way to improve your skin tone is therefore to incorporate several varied measures, including diet, exercise, and some direct skin care remedies. As far as your diet goes, it is pretty simple – make sure that you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. There is no specific food that will improve your skin – Vitamin A, Vitamin B, and Vitamin C are all very important for the skin, and can be obtained only by eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Exercise is equally important to keep your body and skin in good health. You should incorporate at least half an hour of strenuous activity of some sort into your daily schedule. If you are pressed for time or have some other constraints, you can simply walk briskly for half an hour every day.

Sun protection is an important part of keeping your skin healthy and fair. Excessive exposure to sunlight can have dangerous consequences besides of course tanning your skin and thus darkening it. Wearing a sun screen when you go outdoors in daylight is one good way to deal with this problem, but today this is not considered adequate protection. It is better to actually cover yourself by wearing a hat and clothing that physically covers as much skin area as is possible. In addition, it is a good practice to completely avoid going outdoors during peak sunlight hours, in the afternoon.

Prevent redness, brown spots, and hyperpigmentation issues that add unwanted years with these easy, basic guidelines.

1.Be gentle on your skin. 

Avoid harsh scrubs and rigorous towel drying, which can cause irritation that makes skin look older. And anytime you have an ingrown hair, clogged pore, or even a scratch from the cat—don’t touch it. “Many women pick at their skin, not realizing it can cause post-inflammatory pigmentation and scarring,” explains Heidi Waldorf, MD, an associate clinical professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City.

2. Stay away from smoke.

 “Chemicals from cigarettes get into your bloodstream and find their way to your skin, making it sallow and spotty,” explains Alistair Carruthers, MD, a dermatologist in Vancouver. Even if you don’t smoke, sitting in a smoky room or restaurant exposes your skin to the same chemicals that cause discoloration.

3. Say yes to daily SPF.

 You’ve heard it a million times, but have you gotten the message? “My patients say they don’t use sunscreen because they don’t sunbathe, so I show them the freckles and little broken capillaries on their skin. I explain that they can get sun damage from simply walking to the car each day without sunscreen,” says Dr. Carruthers.


  • Make a homemade skin lightener – Mix 1 teaspoon of sandalwood powder + 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder + few drops of rose water. Apply the resultant paste to the affected areas, leave it on for about 20 minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water.
  • Make a mixture by mixing 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with some yogurt, apply this to the darkened areas, leave it on for 10 minutes before rinsing with cool water.
  • Take a finely grounded orange peel powder, add 1 teaspoon turmeric powder and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply this mixture on your skin, let stay for around 15 minutes and then rinse off with lukewarm water.
  • Use this scrub for dark elbows and knees – Make a scrub by mixing granulated sugar and a few drops of lemon juice. Exfoliate your dark elbows and knees for around 10 minutes and then rinse off.
  • Massage your skin with a combination of tomato + lemon juice on a daily basis.
  • Make another effective mixture by mixing 1 teaspoon each of tomato juice + lemon juice + sandalwood powder + turmeric. This remedy is also beneficial for skin cleansing and moisturizing.
  • Make your skin bleach recipe by mixing 1tablespoon each of tomato juice + milk+ turmeric powder + gram flour. Use this remedy at least 3 times a week.
  • Papaya and aloe Vera, both are loaded with natural skin lightening properties. Make a mixture by mixing papaya pulp mixed with some Aloe Vera juice, apply this mixture to the darkened skin area.
  • Take some overnight (water) soaked almonds, grind the almonds into a fine paste, add some honey and olive oil, and apply it to darkened skin. This is a natural skin lightener and also prevents skin darkening.
  • Avoid sun exposure.
  • Make a healthy diet menu by including lot of fruits and vegetables.
  • Follow a good and balanced skin care regimen to enjoy a healthy and even skin tone.

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