Drug-Free Remedies for Pain Relief

When your body aches are the kind that won't quit (e.g., chronic back pain or arthritis), painkillers -- even prescription medications -- aren't always enough. They can also make you feel weird and uneasy.When that happens (or if for whatever reason you just don't want to take them), try breaking the pain cycle with self-calming techniques -- and we don't mean downing a glass of wine.Persistent pain constantly pumps up your levels of stress hormones. That makes your brain think your back pain, for example, is worse than it actually is. Soon you're on a not-so-merry-go-round of ever-increasing stress hormones and escalating pain perceptions.How to get off the carousel? Dial back those pain-boosting stress hormones. Try:
Listening -- really listening -- to soothing music. If you're tightly wound, listening to music will relax and distract your body and brain, taking attention away from the pain and allowing it to settle down. Love listening to your iPod? Music may make you healthier and smarter.
Mindful meditation
. Sit quietly, eyes closed, and focus only on how each breath feels (in, out, in, out). When other thoughts intrude, gently refocus on breathing. After 10 minutes or so, begin to notice your surroundings as you quietly breathe. Go about your day with this feeling of calm awareness and you'll find your joint pain isn't running you over. Check out these other great reasons to breathe deeply.
Movement. Nonstrenuous activity can reduce pain sensitivity, be it arthritis or back pain. Water exercises or gentle yoga can help stop your whole body from becoming a pulsing pain generator. Try this chi-gong (qigong) routine to relieve pain.

How To Boost Your Energy Level...

Feel like you're always running on empty? Wake up in the morning exhausted? In today's busy world, having staying power is a must, so how can you inject some Red Bull into your veins? Firstly, work out what is sapping your energy and secondly, take a few easy steps to rectify it. How? By using our super-easy plan below!

Get a Daily Dose of Magnesium
For a little extra get-through-the-day energy, top your veggies with toasted sesame seeds. They're loaded with magnesium -- a mineral that cells need in order to convert food to energy. Other magnesium-rich foods include: whole grains, dark leafy greens, pumpkin seeds, and cashews. Magnesium not only boosts your energy, it also helps strengthen your bones and keep your heart, nerves, muscles, and immune system functioning well.

Eat More Mini-Meals
To stay energized all day, you have to eat often. That means shifting away from three big meals toward five to six balanced mini meals. To maintain steady energy levels, pair complex carbs that are high in fiber (e.g., beans, peas, and whole grains) with unsaturated fats (e.g., avocado, walnuts, or mixed greens with olive oil). Add protein, such as lean meat, nuts, fish, and edamame, as an accent rather than as a main dish.

Take a Power Nap
Research has shown that both information overload and pushing our brains too hard can zap energy. But studies by the National Institutes of Mental Health found that a 60-minute "power nap" can not only reverse the mind-numbing effects of information overload, it may also help us to better retain what we have learned.

Reduce Stress and Deal With Anger
One of the biggest energy zappers is stress, says psychologist Paul Baard, PhD."Stress is the result of anxiety, and anxiety uses up a whole lot of our energy," says Baard, a sports psychologist at Fordham University in the Bronx, N.Y.Like worry or fear, Baard says, stress can leave you mentally and physically exhausted -- even if you've spent the day in bed. More commonly, he says, low but chronic levels of stress erode energy levels, so over time you find yourself doing less and feeling it more.In much the same way, unexpressed anger can give a one-two punch to your energy level. The reason: "We're expending all our energy trying to contain our angry feelings, and that can be exhausting," Baard tells WebMD.The good news, says Baard, is that we can counter these energy killers by programming more relaxation activities into our day. While for many folks, increasing exercise burns off the chemical effects of stress and anger, others find relief in quiet pursuits: listening to music, reading a steamy romance novel, or even just talking on the phone."Whatever is relaxing for you will reduce tension and that will help increase energy," says Baard.

Train Your Brain
Tell your body you want to watch Glee reruns all night and -- thanks to mechanisms called feedback loops -- you downshift energy production. This explains why you can feel too tired to move even though you’ve been sitting around all day. Tell your body to move and it responds by giving you the energy to get moving. Your body teaches your brain. That's how healthy behaviors become automatic habits. This may be tough the first few times you try, but it gets easier.

Drink More Water and Less Alcohol
You may already know that it's easy to confuse signals of hunger with thirst (we think we need food when we really need water). But did you know that thirst can also masquerade as fatigue?The solution is simple: a tall, cool glass of water. This is particularly important to boost energy after exercise, when your body is likely to be craving fluids, Ayoob says. Conversely, Heller says, if you find yourself frequently fatigued even after a good night's sleep, try cutting down on alcohol during the evening hours.

Cut Back on Sugar
A sugar-filled diet gives you about a birthday candle's worth of energy, while a healthy diet is more like an eternal flame. Work on limiting simple sugars (they end in -ose, such as glucose, sucrose, maltose, and dextrose -- ribose is OK), syrups, and any grain that's not 100% whole. Ribose is the exception because it's a special sugar made in your body. It doesn't come from food, but does come in supplement form and can help build the energy factories of your body. It's not for everyone, so talk to your doctor first.

dark moods
According to recent figures one in four women and one in six men will suffer from some form of depression in their lives and the bad news is that when we're feeling low our energy levels tend to follow. If you've noticed that you don't have as much energy as you used to, if normal activities seem difficult, and if you don't want to socialise, then you could be at risk. Being honest with yourself, taking responsibility for your own happiness and getting help is the key to living the life you want. In the meantime there are a few things you can do to stick a rocket under your energy reserves.

Trade TV Time for Exercise
No time to exercise, but plenty of time to watch TV? Exercise can do a world of good to boost your energy, so even on days when you don't feel up to it, try to do some kind of physical activity, such as walking, strength training, or cardio to kick your feel-good endorphins into high gear. Still uninspired? Try the 10-minute rule. Make a deal with yourself to get moving for at least 10 minutes. Chances are, once you start, you'll feel so much better that you'll keep going.

As well as the tips listed above, some of the other methods are:

  • Get rid of that stuffy nose. Allergies will make you feel tired and cranky, but can be relieved with over-the-counter medicines.
  • Work with your body’s clock (we’ve covered this previously).
  • Have an afternoon power snack.Eat lots of berries, as they contain antioxidants that boost energy.
  • Eat a satisfying breakfast but a light lunch, as a heavy lunch will leave you feeling drained for the whole afternoon.Add more cardio to your gym time, as more aerobic exercise gets your heart pumping.
  • Get on your toes, as it stimulates your circulatory system.

Slow Down, Eat Less, Lose More

One effective way to lose weight is to slow down the rate at which you consume your food. If you are leading a busy lifestyle, you will try to save time whenever you can, and you may be compelled to finish your meals in as little time as possible. The habit of eating fast can contribute to weight gain and other health problems, and you should try to make a conscious effort to eat slower.

Eating Slow Means Eating Less

If you slow down your eating speed, you will eventually consume less food. Contrary to common belief, satiety does not come from the stomach; instead, it is a feeling that originates in the brain. When you have taken enough food, the brain will receive a signal from the body, and it will create a feeling of satiety to make you stop eating. However, it takes some time for this communication to be completed.If you are eating fast, you will be consuming more food at the time when your body and brain are working to activate a satiety response. This is the reason why you need to slow down your eating speed. If you consume a little less food every meal, it will eventually lead to significant weight loss.

Here are 11 great tips to helps slow you down and enjoy food again.

#1 – Chew your food 20 times before swallowing. Chewing does several things it breaks down the food into smaller pieces which means the digestion system can get more nutrients out of it. Chewing also takes time. The longer you take to eat, the less likely you are to overeat.
#2 – Put your fork down between bites. Slowing down the rate at which you eat is good. Putting the fork down makes you conscious of how much you’re eating as opposed to using the fork like a steam shovel.
#3 – Take a sip of water between bites. Most of us don’t drink enough water so the extra sips are good for us. Sipping the water replaces a mouthful of food. You probably will eat less and take longer to eat.
#4 – Eat with a dinner partner and make dinner conversation a part of your menu. Talking slows down the rate of food consumption. Remember it’s bad manners to talk with your mouth full.
#5 – Don’t eat in front of the television. It leads to mindless eating. Your attention is on what’s going on in the program not what’s on your plate. Television advertising is food focused during meal times and the food isn’t necessarily good for you. Reminding you of the triple deluxe burger when you’re having a salad may just make you feel deprived.
#6 – Start your meal with an appetizer that takes awhile to eat. It could be a shell-on shrimp cocktail, crab claws, a few pistachio nuts in their shell, or a bowl of soup. The appetizer slows you down while you take the time to consume it. It also puts something in your tummy. Your brain takes about 20 minutes to recognize your tummy is saying you’ve had enough to eat. The appetizer gives you that head start.
#7 – Listen to mellow music while you eat. The slower pace of the music slows down your eating. The mellow music relaxes you and lets you enjoy your food.
#8 – Eat with your non dominant hand. If you’re right handed, put the fork in your left hand. You’ll slow down your eating pace considerably.
#9 – Don’t eat foods that are intensely hot or icy cold. Wait until they’re a more neutral temperature. Heat and cold make your taste buds less likely to taste the flavor of the food. If the soup is scalding, wait until it cools down.
#10 – Wait ten minutes before you go for seconds. The odds are you won’t want the food anymore.
#11 – Savor the aroma of the food. Our sense of smell is a huge part of eating. Give your nose time to indulge you in the scents of your meal. Take the time to experience the flavor as well as the smell.

Skin Care According to Your Age...

As we age, our bodies change in many ways that affect the function of both individual cells and organ systems. These changes occur little by little and progress inevitably over time. However, the rate of this progression can be very different from person to person. Research in aging is beginning to find out the reasons for these changes and the genetic and environmental factors that control them.
  • Genetic and Environmental Factors
  • Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors
  • Cellular Changes Associated with Aging
  • Bodily Changes Associated with Aging
  • Changes in Height
  • Changes in Weight
  • Changes in Body Composition
  • Other Changes with Aging
  • Normal Aging and Disease
  • Changes in the Regulation of Body Systems
Top Tips for Women of All Ages to Slow the Ageing Process

  • Using a bath brush is not only good for circulation and cell renewal, it helps prevent cellulite.
  • Only use warm water on the skin, never hot or cold.Never use foam baths.
  • A few drops of essential oil or flower petals are great to relax in.
  • Make a habit of showering rather than bathing.
  • Never use products containing alcohol or soap. Instead of shower gel, use wash emulsion.
  • Massage the face away from gravity and potential creases at every opportunity, especially when applying creams.
  • Always treat the skin according to its present condition. If in doubt, consult a dermatologist.
The Ageing Process Begins at Twenty
Ageing begins at twenty. It’s then that the skin starts to lose its moisture retaining collagen fibers at a rate of 1% each year and elastin begins to diminish. Loss of elastin is what causes facial expressions to become permanently etched on the face. Ultra-violet rays accelerate the process.What to doStart a skin care program as early as possible; preferably before the age of twenty. Cleanse, tone and moisturize. Above all, use a sun-screen. Beware of facial scrubs — they cause broken capillaries.
The Ageing Process by Thirty
Ageing is noticeable by thirty. Facial expressions are leaving their mark and the skin is slackening.Because the body produces 20% less pigment than at twenty, it tends to burn rather than tan and is less resistant to harmful rays.Hormonal changes cause hair to grow on the upper lip.What to do When applying moisturizer and other skin care products, massage the face from the center and upwardly; this counteracts wrinkle formation and gravity.When in the sun, wear sun-screen and sun-glasses.Fade out facial hair with a bleaching product designed for the face. The dark skinned need to remove hair.
Ageing Process by Forty

Collagen fibers are thicker, less elastic and 20% fewer than at twenty.Cell production is slower, causing dry skin. Hot showers and foam baths lead to scurf, itchiness and even eczema.Fatty tissue that pads and firms the under eye area, the inner thighs, the inner upper arms and the backs of the hands is depleting.A pallid complexion is the result of inefficient circulation.What to do Regular massage and exercise keep the body in form and circulation on par, and plenty of fresh air helps toward a healthy glow.Use a bath brush everyday in the shower, massaging from neck to feet.
The Ageing Process by Fifty
Not only is the skin dry, its sebum production is at its lowest since before puberty. Pores are large and sebum quality poor.Due to less perspiration, the skin’s protective barrier of fat and water is weaker causing sensitive skin.Age spots appear on the hands from over-exposure to the sun.What to do:Bloating the skin and even causing it to split, light moisturizers and lotions do more harm than good. Emulsions and night-creams are necessary to substitute the depleting protective barrier.
The Ageing Process by Sixty
Sunburn and contact allergies are rare by sixty, but only because the body’s warning system is deficient; ultra-violet rays and chemical products are as dangerous as before.The skins protective barrier is as good as non-existent. This leaves the skin vulnerable to germs and infection.The skin sheds more cells than it can produce. Instead of six or seven layers, it now has only two or three.

How To Apply Makeup In Few Minutes...

Don’t have the luxury of time to dress your face? You can certainly do better than simply slap on lipstick and kaajal. It is possible to look your best with minimum time and tools at your disposal. It helps to keep a small make up kit in your bag with essentials like loose powder, highlighter, blush and such. As for racing ahead of time for a quick fix, here’s how:

What You Need

primer and eyeshadow
bronzer and/or blush (or neither!)
mascara and an eyelash

lipstick, gloss or balmStart with sunscreen A dewy, fresh complexion is sexy and youthful. Starting with a clean face,

apply sunscreen to face and neck . Rain or shine, you should get in the habit of applying sunscreen every day. If you have oily skin, rinse face with warm water and pat dry before applying sunscreen.Apply concealer Dot concealer with your ring finger to the spots that need it most (under the eye, along the nose, on the chin). Blend in by patting in, never rubbing, the concealer .

Foundation is next Apply a tinted moisturizer or foundation to your face making sure to blend along the jawline so you don't have a tell-tale line. Few people need to apply foundation all over the face . Simply apply where you have uneven skin tone (usually along your nose and on the skin). In wintertime, if your cheeks tend to get ruddy, apply there as well.

For more sheer, natural coverage, consider a tinted moisturizer, which goes on much lighter than typical foundations. .Blush, bronzer Apply blush on the apples of your cheeks . If you want to appear sun-kissed, apply a bronzer as well . Apply eyeliner Now that your face is set, it's time to make up your eyes. Apply eyeliner to lids. There are many different way to apply eyeliner. You can go for the basic eye, a smokey eye, a cat eye and much more.

For a basic eye, simply apply liner to the upper lashes and the lower lashes, smudging along the lower so it doesn't look drawn on. Apply concealerIf you wear eyeshadow, be sure to set the eye first with an eyeshadow primer, otherwise the shadow will melt into your eyelids.Next is the eyeshadow Just as there are many ways to apply eyeliner, there are many eyeshadow looks you can experiment with. For a basic eye, simply apply a base shade on the lid of the eye.

Apply a darker contouring shadow in the crease. Make sure to blend it all in well. Curl your lashes with an eyelash curler. You can blast your curler for 3 seconds with a hairdryer to make the curl hold better, just be sure to test the metal to ensure it's not too hot first.Moving on to mascara Apply mascara by wiggling the wand from the roots of your lashes on through to the ends.

Leave your lips for last Once you have your face made up you can see exactly what type of lip treatment you need. You can either fill in lips with lip liner and apply lip balm or gloss over it, or you can line lips first then apply lipstick. Some women opt for just gloss or balm.